Welcome to this new school year which is so important for you.
I hope you'll enjoy the subject but, especially, I hope you'll love English as a language.
I hope you'll enjoy the subject but, especially, I hope you'll love English as a language.
Click here:
Here you are 4 university-entry exams you'll have to hand in:
- Click on the link above.
- Go to "Lengua Extranjera II (Inglés)" and to exams 2009.
- Exam 1 "In Britain, some teachers..." -------- 15th October
- Exam 2 "No child should ever be..." -------- 27th October
- Exam 3 "Natural disasters" -------- 12th November
- Exam 4 " A 'zero waste' community" -------- 24th November
This link will also appear in the column on the right under the title "Doing exams".
Good luck!